War of the Ring is one of the greatest games of all times, and as such it deserves only the best upgrades that you can get your hands on. And this is precisely it! Brand new sculpts for 18 strongholds to cover all of the locations on your map of Middle Earth, and make it all the more exciting and worth fighting for.
These new models are 3d printed, painted and detailed by our talented artists, and every model in the set is treated with outmost care and attention to the smallest detail so that your experience of playing a game of War of the Ring becomes even more special. Models are approximately 35mm in size, which means that they will sit nicely even on the original map that comes with the box, without impeding too much space dedicated for model warriors. The only exception to this is Minas Tirith which is slightly larger, and Morannon, which doesn't have regular, round shape of the base but rather takes the shape of an actual passage to Mordor. On the neoprene and Anniversary map these models look perfect.