Terraforming Mars is one of the best boardgames out there at the moment, so it is only fair to have equally awesome set to upgrade your gaming experience. That set is this one right here! Please note that these are NOT 3d printed elements, but rather resin casted, and they will come to you fully painted and ready to play, just as you see them in the pictures. Our team of artists is working to get to you these beautiful models in all their glory in order to have you terraform the red planet as a true corporate overlord! The set includes 25 forest elements 15 generic city elements 9 ocean tiles Capital Corporate Stronghold Nuclear Zone Restricted Area Noctis City Mining Area Protected Valley Natural Preserve Mohole Area Phobos Space Haven Underground City Industrial Center Commercial District Research Outpost Lava Flows Natural Preserve as well as three Additional Cards locations models: Deimos Down, The Great Dam and Magnetic Field Generators. On top of this all, you will receive some special models for Venus Next expansion, on beautiful floating stands to emphasize the fact that they are floating. These are Maxwell Base Stratopolis Luna Metropolis Dawn City